

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 | Author:

There was only one truck at the landing when Jackson and I arrived this morning. The boat was sitting on the side of a sunken road with two guys fishing with shiners.  We immediately left for what we considered the best spot in the lake.  The water temperature was 49 degrees to start off and there was a cold wind blowing.  We were not having any luck and were fishing near the shiner men when we watched them catch 5 fish in pretty rapid succession. Finally after lunch I felt something that felt like my swimbait hitting some submerged sticks and I looked down just in time to see a 5 pounder spit the swimbait out.  I cast right over to that spot again and felt one pick the bait up but no one home when I set the hook. Another cast and another bite but this one held on and was caught, chasing off the skunk. We circled that spot several times and fished it hard but no more bites. When we trailered the boat the shiner men came in and Jackson asked about their day. They caught 15 with the three largest at 6 1/2, the rest from 3 to 5. Had we known the water was so cold we never would have gone there. Maybe we should have gone to Lake Enterprise where Jackson and a friend caught 60 one day last week.

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